BLACK FLY - 4" Diameter
$ 134.00
We are now offering our 4" Black Fly with a Dual Deploy (HED) option with the Wildman Nosecone.
Single Deploy
Length: 50.5 inches
Motor Mount: 54mm
Approximate Weight: 2.9 lbs
H through K motors
Content of Kit:
- 28" canvas phenolic airframe
- 54mm x 10 5/8" canvas phenolic motor tube
- 5:1 Pinnacle nosecone -- 19.5" exposed
- (5) 1/8" canvas phenolic beveled fins
- 3/16" fore canvas centering ring
- 3/8" tubular Kevlar booster harness
- 3-D printed tailcone (black)
Kit includes assembly instructions. (Does not include motor retainer)
Note: You can upgrade your kit with a 4" 6:1 Wildman filament wound fiberglass Von Karman nosecone and/or convert it to a HED (head end deploy).
The HED altimeter bay includes: 8" coupler, canvas phenolic bulk plates, 3-D printed board, stainless steel eye nuts, 1/4" aluminum all thread rods with hardware and 1" switch band.
Recommended Accessories:
Aero Pack RA54P or FastBack 54
Nosecone Bay Kit 4"- 54mm x 7"
4" 5 fin jig
Rocketman Parachute 4 ft.
Videos & pictures courtesy of George Barnes, CO. who has supplied videos of his J, K & L 4" Black Fly Flights!